Wednesday, May 30, 2012

For the brilliance of it.

Hey guys!  How are you all?

I finished filming video one this morning!  YAAY!
Editing took about four hours, and I've totally finished converting the video types, and making sure it's under ten minutes (because YouTube is dumb), and doing all that other crap.
I know that it was supposed to air on Friday, but I'm going to be SUPER busy.  Each vid will still air on Friday, just not this week's vid. 

By the way, I've officially decided to name my loving fans KPeers.  You are the KPeers.  I love you all.  Well, most of you, not the creepy stalker ex who comments on every piece of  anything I own on the internet.  So, you get it. 

I want to thank Skye Danler for helping with a part in the vid (no sneekpeeks) where she is talking behind the camera.  It helps a lot to have someone to help.  So, THANKS!  And check out her blog:

Later KPeers.

I don't have a crazy stalker ex, just sayin'. It was just an example, bahahaha :)


  1. Thanks Katie! I will be sure to have you play part in some of my videos! I'll let you know if I have something I need help with!

    1. No prob Skye. My question for you, why were you up at four in the morning?
